Advanced Academics


    Advanced Academics programs are available at all PPSD middle schools. Providence’s Middle School Advanced Academics is an accelerated learning program which supports students with unique strengths, talents, and/or abilities by providing them with the opportunity for in depth study beyond the basic curriculum while preparing them for secondary and post secondary success. Grade 5 students are invited to the program based on a combination of 4th grade RICAS Reading and Math performance, RICAS growth and 5th grade STAR Math and Reading performance. Students must be at the 5th grade level or higher on STAR Math or Reading AND they must have achieved a 2 or higher on RICAS to be considered for the program.

    As there is a limited number of seats, students are then given a composite score based on their RICAS score (25% of their composite score), their RICAS growth from 3rd grade to 4th grade (50% of their composite score), and their tested grade equivalent on STAR (25% of their composite score). The highest scoring students for math or humanities are then invited to join Advanced Academics until all seats are full.




    Jan. 15


    Advanced Academics invitation letters sent to families via Parent Square   

    Jan. 15 

    Notification to families about PPSD School Choice via Parent Square 

    Feb. 10 

    Deadline for Applications and Appeals 

    Feb. 14 


    Deadline for School Choice forms 

    Late March 

    Notification of school placement  


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my child be eligible for transportation?

  • My child does not attend a Providence school. How can I apply?

  • Who can I contact if I have questions?

  • What if my child did not receive an invitation? Can I appeal?

  • What criteria is used to invite students?