
    Summer Learning


    PPSD Students and Families,


    Providence Schools is offering summer credit recovery for all students who did not pass one or more courses during the 2023-24 school year. Summer learning will run Monday through Friday from July 8th - August 2nd.


    • All Credit Recovery courses will be virtual

    • Teachers will be available from Mon - Fri from 8-1 at Central HS to provide in person or remote support.

    • Seniors will need to complete their course by Friday, Aug 2nd to participate in the Rainbow Graduation Ceremony at PCTA at 5:30 at the PCTA Auditorium.  

    • Rising 10th - 12th graders have the option to complete their credit recovery courses over the summer.  Any courses that they do not complete during the summer will be taken over by their homeschool at the beginning of the school year.  


    How Do I Know If I Have Summer School?

    1. You will receive an email on Friday, June 28th. Check your Providence Schools gmail account.

    2. You will automatically be enrolled in the course(s) you need in Edgenuity. You can check Edgenuity after July 1st to see your classes.


    How to log into Edgenuity to check your classes:


    Student Edgenuity Login


    1. Login to Edgenuity via Clever. Click “Login with Google” 

    Click the Edgenuity icon

    Your courses will be listed. Summer school courses will be listed as “PPSD Summer-2024

    If you have any questions, please email summerlearning@providenceschools.org



    John Kavanagh

    Director of Extended Learning Opportunities

    Providence Schools