(English) See Spanish below

    Any student who is to take medication during school hours must have the following form completed and returned to the School Nurse-Teacher.


    All medication must be dispensed by the School Nurse-Teacher, except for older students and students with asthma, who are capable of self-medication with the written permission of both parent and physician.


    In the event of Field Trips, a parent can accompany a child for the purpose of distribution of medication or a parent can get an exemption from the physician for the medication to be discontinued during the field trip only.


    No student will be exempt from going on the field trip.  The School Nurse-Teacher will accompany the students to distribute the medication.


    A School Nurse-Teacher must accompany Special Education students who have daily medication requirements written in their IEP’s on the field trip.


    Medication must be delivered to the school by the parent or his/her designee with the student’s name, name of physician, how the medication is to be given, the amount to be given, and the time it is to be given.






    Me cualquier estudiante que deba tomar medicamentos durante las horas escolares, debe completar el siguiente formulario y retornarlo a la Enfermera Escolar.


    Todos los medicamentos deben ser administrados por la Enfermera escolar, a excepción de estudiantes mayo estudiantes con asma, que sean capaces de auto-medicarse, con autorización de padres y medico.


    En caso de viajes o excursiones, un padre puede acompañar al estudiante de administrar la medicina o el padre puede obtener una autorización del medico para que el uso del medicamento sea interrumpido durante el viaje solamente.


    Ningún estudiante será excluido de participar en excursiones. 


    Una Enfermera Escolar tiene que acompañar a cualquier estudiante Educación Especial en excursiones, siempre y cuando el estudiante tenga requerimientos escritos en su historial de que debe tomar medicamentos diariamente.


    Los medicamentos deben ser entregados, por un padre o una personal designada, con el nombre del estudiante, nombre del medico, instrucciones para uso, dosis y horario.