Kennedy PK-8 School

  • FAQ Sheet

    English | Spanish Robert F. Kennedy Elementary Logo



    This project will build a new, purpose-built school building to expand the Robert F Kennedy elementary, one of the district's highest-demand schools, into a Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 school community on the school's current site. The project will replace the current building, which is over 100 years old and has a facilities condition index rating of "replacement level."



    $75M from Fall 2024 Providence School Building Bond

    Eligible for up to 90% state reimbursement through bonus incentives.


    Students Served

    723 students in grade Pre-K through 8, with three classrooms per grade


    Project Highlights

    • Creates neighborhood PK-8, keeping Kennedy students with their community for longer

    • Adds Pre-Kindergarten classrooms

    • Replaces aging building with new design, technology, and safety features


    Timeline & Swing Space Plan

    Currently planned for construction Fall 2025 for two years, to open Fall 2027.

    Kennedy elementary will temporarily relocate to 480 Charles Street (Hopkins Middle) during the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years.


  • Overview

    What is the plan for Robert F. Kennedy Elementary School?

  • How was Kennedy identified for this investment? How is it funded?

  • The Transition Plan during Construction

    Where will Kennedy students go during construction? What is the timeline for construction and for the move into swing space?

  • Will families be able to see the Hopkins Middle School building prior to students moving in?

  • How will co-location work?

  • What work is planned for the Hopkins building to ensure it is ready to welcome Kennedy students in Fall 2025?

  • Is Hopkins the closest swing space facility that there is for students who live around Kennedy? Is there another option other than Hopkins?

  • Does the Hopkins building have outdoor space for students?

  • What will happen to the recreation center during construction?

  • Will students receive transportation while the school is in swing space?

  • The future Robert F. Kennedy PreK-8 School

    Why start construction now?

  • What are the benefits of a PreK-8 school model?

  • Will Pre-K - 8 schools have the same start and end times?

  • Will class sizes increase in the new PreK-8 model? How many students will be at the future Kennedy PreK-8?

  • Will parents and staff be able to provide input into the facility construction plans?

  • How are you going to incorporate safety measures with children that are much older than the younger children?