Rebuild Providence Schools

Dedicated to excellence in education

Build, Together. Construir, Juntos.

  • Future KizirianThe Goal

    All of our students deserve school buildings and classrooms that are bright, inviting, and have the technology needed for 21st century learning.

    The Challenge

    The average age of Providence school buildings is 75 years, with many buildings over 100 years old. It’s time to invest in and upgrade our school facilities!

    The Plan

    New School

    Fortunately, for the first time ever, Providence Schools has over $500 million dollars to invest in modernizing our public school facilities. Our students deserve school buildings that are equipped for 21st century learning. That’s why we're making big investments in our schools and doing so in a way that maximizes the resources we have available for the number of students and families we serve. This site is a showcase for the work we've already completed and our plans going forward.

  • Capital Plan Priorities

    • Big, transformational projects for entire schools
    • Transition to a Pre-K through Grade 8 school model to reimagine the middle grades experience 
    • Additional, purpose-built pre-kindergarten classrooms
    • Newer and fewer - a capital plan that is responsive to Providence’s current and projected enrollment by right-sizing the number of buildings
    • Investments in buildings where families live, and ensure all communities benefit from school construction