Parking is reserved for students in the 11th and 12th grades who have a valid driver’s license. (Learning permits are not acceptable) Additionally, all drivers will have to purchase an E Cubed Academy High School parking tag for $10. To purchase the tag, drivers will have to provide a copy of their driver’s license, state registration, and current insurance for each and every vehicle they bring on the property.

    Students may pay by check or with cash.

    The parking form must be signed by the student, their guardian, and Mr. Constant.

    Students will be able to choose their permanent parking spot as approved by administration and must have the ECAHS decal visible at all times. Students MUST park in their assigned parking space.

    Drivers must maintain a 2.0 GPA and attend school consistently and on time.

    Failure to follow these regulations will result in the following consequences:

    1. Warning and call home
    2. Loss of parking privileges
    3. Towing of your vehicle at your expense