Our History...
In 2001, our school was named after Sgt. Cornel Young, Jr., Charlotte Woods, and B. Jae Clanton.
Sgt. Young, Jr. was a dedicated Providence Police Officer, who proudly followed in his father’s steps.
On January 28th, 2000, while Sgt. Young was off duty, and wearing civilian clothing, he was involved in a police dispute and was mistakenly shot by a fellow police officer.
B. Jae Clanton, was a Civil Rights Leader and former head of the Rhode Island Urban League. Clanton led the state Urban League from 1985 to 1997. The group helps teen parents, the homeless, and the mentally ill. Under her, the agency’s annual budget grew from $500,000 to $3 million. She was awarded the American Civil Liberties Union Rhode Island Chapter Civil Libertarian of the Year Award in 1994.
Charlotte Woods, was a well-beloved community and Civil Rights Activist in the South Providence neighborhood where our school resides. Her dedication to our community was admirable. She supported families and individuals, garnering the love and respect of all that knew her.